Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Oh! Brother!

In Spanish...
Ya saben ustedes que no pueden darle de comer a un Gremling después de la medianoche ni mojarlo. El nuevo anuncio del Seat Altea XL da una solución para un problema similar. Cuando un monstruo que crece cuando se le abraza, mima y quiere no para de crecer… tenemos que acabar comprando un nuevo coche. Más grande, más nuevo y más bonito.
Ahora cambien “monstruo” por “familia”. Es lo que ocurre, aquello comienza a crecer gracias (¿por culpa?) del cariño. Y crece y crece. Porque cada miembro de la familia viene con su paquete de extras. ¿Un niño? No hay problema… entramos en el coche, hay sitio atrás y total con lo pequeño que es. Pero el niño viene con silla, pañales, juguetes y cientos de cosas con las que hay que viajar. ¿Y si son dos niños? La feria total.
Lo que decía, cambien “monstruo” por “familia” y véanla crecer hasta necesitar un nuevo coche. Seat nos ofrece el Altea XL como solución para las nuevas necesidades de espacio. Pero… ¿Por qué cambiar? En algún caso, no hace falta cambiar “monstruo” por “familia”, pero igualmente habrá que cambiar de coche.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ask a Certified Mechanic Your Car Questions Online Now
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
1994 Chevy S-10 Died while driving and won't start
I have a 1994 Chevy S-10 2.2L Engine. Drove fine to work and on the way home out of nowhere the engine died and won't start. I hit the key and it turns over but now it sounds different and will not start. It has spark and i tried starter fluid and still won't start. What could it be?
The 2.2L engine has a common problem with failing timing chain tensioners that break and cause the timing chain to jump at at once. this throws off the valve timing and causes no compression. In most cases you can just install a new timing chain and tensioner and problem solved. In some cases not only does the chain and tensioner need to be replaced but the valves can sometimes get bent, usually the exhaust valves. So after you replace the timing chain and tensioner perform a compression test, if no compression is found, you can be sure the next step is removing the head to see how many valves need to be replaced. Don't forget to replace the head bolts at the same time as they are one time use only bolts.
The 2.2L engine has a common problem with failing timing chain tensioners that break and cause the timing chain to jump at at once. this throws off the valve timing and causes no compression. In most cases you can just install a new timing chain and tensioner and problem solved. In some cases not only does the chain and tensioner need to be replaced but the valves can sometimes get bent, usually the exhaust valves. So after you replace the timing chain and tensioner perform a compression test, if no compression is found, you can be sure the next step is removing the head to see how many valves need to be replaced. Don't forget to replace the head bolts at the same time as they are one time use only bolts.
Actual Auto Repair,
Auto Repair
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
dtc code p0171 vehicle idles very rough - IDLE FAST AFTER IT WARMS UP CODE PO171
Code PO171 : System too lean (bank 1)
Description : The adaptive fuel Strategy continuously monitors fuel delivery hardware. The test fails when the adaptive fuel tables reach a rich calibrated limit.
You may have a vacuum leak, stuck IAC Valve or dirty MAF. You may find that if you remove the internal Sensor from the MAF Case that some debree has collected on the thin wire. If you find debree, use a Q-Tip to clean it. DO NOT USE CHEMICALS TO CLEAN IT. If no debree is found, try a Known Good MAF Sensor. Still no fix, move on to testing for a vacuum leak. ( listen for a whistle noise or spray some starting fluid around the intake area while the engine is running). The IAC Valve (Idle air control) may be stuck , remove it and clean the carbon and reinstall if no vacuum leaks are found. Feel free to check out some of the other resources on the website as there may be some helpful information available.
Description : The adaptive fuel Strategy continuously monitors fuel delivery hardware. The test fails when the adaptive fuel tables reach a rich calibrated limit.
You may have a vacuum leak, stuck IAC Valve or dirty MAF. You may find that if you remove the internal Sensor from the MAF Case that some debree has collected on the thin wire. If you find debree, use a Q-Tip to clean it. DO NOT USE CHEMICALS TO CLEAN IT. If no debree is found, try a Known Good MAF Sensor. Still no fix, move on to testing for a vacuum leak. ( listen for a whistle noise or spray some starting fluid around the intake area while the engine is running). The IAC Valve (Idle air control) may be stuck , remove it and clean the carbon and reinstall if no vacuum leaks are found. Feel free to check out some of the other resources on the website as there may be some helpful information available.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I have a I was driving it more home after tires noticed it running rough
Heres my problem recently did an alternator on my 03 MPV over 100k miles.
What a bear also replace ball joint. After I got it all back together I took it for new front tires. It had been sitting in my garage for a year before I got around to repairing it.
As I was driving it more home after tires noticed it running rough I filled up tank as it was low on gas. Also put fuel injection cleaner in full tank & some gas line anti freeze in case of moisture in tank while sitting.
As I was returning home it got louder & I barely made it up my hill no power.
When i pulled in driveway it was gettting darker I could see the flex pipe was red hot what was left of it also could see flames shooting out like raw gas.
No check engine light is on brought to shop to put on scanner & they got no codes either.
Sound like you have a plugged exhaust you said flex pipe . Is cat converter still on it? DO a simple test loosen exhaust before cat if their. If not loosen at first flange after manifold. Just loosen dont remove. Loosen enough to have a gap between pipes the test drive
What a bear also replace ball joint. After I got it all back together I took it for new front tires. It had been sitting in my garage for a year before I got around to repairing it.
As I was driving it more home after tires noticed it running rough I filled up tank as it was low on gas. Also put fuel injection cleaner in full tank & some gas line anti freeze in case of moisture in tank while sitting.
As I was returning home it got louder & I barely made it up my hill no power.
When i pulled in driveway it was gettting darker I could see the flex pipe was red hot what was left of it also could see flames shooting out like raw gas.
No check engine light is on brought to shop to put on scanner & they got no codes either.
Sound like you have a plugged exhaust you said flex pipe . Is cat converter still on it? DO a simple test loosen exhaust before cat if their. If not loosen at first flange after manifold. Just loosen dont remove. Loosen enough to have a gap between pipes the test drive
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
1996 Ford Crown Victoria - vehicle starts jumping like its hung in high gear
When I start to slow down,the vehicle starts jumping like its hung in high gear and I have to press the o/d off button on my gear shift to stop it. Also, while driving down the road, when I let up on the accelerator the transmission starts jumping.
One of the solenoids or valves in the transmission's valve body is hanging up . Look at the fluid color ( wipe stick off on white paper) if it is brown instead of bright pink, you can try a filter and fluid service ( make sure to use Mercon V this is full synthetic fluid required in this vehicle) . If the fluid is pretty pink you can try putting an additive called " Shudder Fix " ( can be found at auto parts store ) this may be a good thing to try before tearing apart the transmission. You may want to check the VSS ( vehicle speed sensor to make sure it is sending the proper signals ) also before tearing it apart.Feel free to check out some of the other resources on the website as there may be some helpful information available.
One of the solenoids or valves in the transmission's valve body is hanging up . Look at the fluid color ( wipe stick off on white paper) if it is brown instead of bright pink, you can try a filter and fluid service ( make sure to use Mercon V this is full synthetic fluid required in this vehicle) . If the fluid is pretty pink you can try putting an additive called " Shudder Fix " ( can be found at auto parts store ) this may be a good thing to try before tearing apart the transmission. You may want to check the VSS ( vehicle speed sensor to make sure it is sending the proper signals ) also before tearing it apart.Feel free to check out some of the other resources on the website as there may be some helpful information available.
Auto Repair,
Questions and Answers,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
How do I replace the Heater Core on a 2007 Chevy 1500 V8
Heater Core
Removal & Installation
To Remove:
Remove the HVAC assembly.
Remove the heater core cover screws.
Remove the heater core cover from the HVAC assembly.
Remove the heater core gasket from the core.
Remove the heater core from the HVAC module assembly.
To Install:
Install the heater core to the HVAC module assembly.
Install the heater core cowl gasket to the HVAC module assembly.
Install the heater core cover and screws to the HVAC module assembly.
Install the HVAC module assembly to the vehicle.
Removal & Installation
Heater Core
To Remove:
Remove the HVAC assembly.
Remove the heater core cover screws.
Remove the heater core cover from the HVAC assembly.
Remove the heater core gasket from the core.
Remove the heater core from the HVAC module assembly.
To Install:
Install the heater core to the HVAC module assembly.
Install the heater core cowl gasket to the HVAC module assembly.
Install the heater core cover and screws to the HVAC module assembly.
Install the HVAC module assembly to the vehicle.
Auto Repair,
Cooling System,
Questions and Answers
Friday, September 11, 2009
I have error code 1401. How do I fix it ?
I have a Ford Sport Trac and I have error code 1401. How do I fix it ? i already tried replacing the EGR Valve and it didn't fix the problem.
Not sure why you replaced the egr valve but when you replace that part you should also replace the egr regulator and sensor..
Replace the DPFE Sensor. It is extremely easy to do , order a new one from the dealer( have your vin# ready ).
Not sure why you replaced the egr valve but when you replace that part you should also replace the egr regulator and sensor..
Replace the DPFE Sensor. It is extremely easy to do , order a new one from the dealer( have your vin# ready ).
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ford F-100

Ford F-100 at the Belleville Zellers Parking Lot, originally uploaded by Robert Scott Photography.ca.
Honda Pilot. The "D" light just started blinking this morning
Have a 2003 Honda Pilot. The "D" light just started blinking this morning. Is it safe to drive? What problem does a blinking "D" light indicate?
When the D light is blinking, an error in the transmission sensor or control system has been detected. It can ramge from a loose sensor wire to a failing trans.
You would need to retrieve the trouble code to understand what is causing the problem. Autozone provides free scanning services. Get the exact trouble code and we can proceed with diagnostics.
If there is no abnormal noise or gear shifting irregularities, it is safe to drive the vehicle. If light goes off after restarting and would only come on later, it would normally be caused by a malfunctining sensor. If the speedometer is not working, it can cause the light to illuminate.
When the D light is blinking, an error in the transmission sensor or control system has been detected. It can ramge from a loose sensor wire to a failing trans.
You would need to retrieve the trouble code to understand what is causing the problem. Autozone provides free scanning services. Get the exact trouble code and we can proceed with diagnostics.
If there is no abnormal noise or gear shifting irregularities, it is safe to drive the vehicle. If light goes off after restarting and would only come on later, it would normally be caused by a malfunctining sensor. If the speedometer is not working, it can cause the light to illuminate.
Questions and Answers
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ask Free Auto Mechanic Experts - (beta) 09-09-09
To Celebrate this special day of 09-09-09 Freeautomechanic.com opens up to the public a New and exciting way to Ask Auto repair questions and get the answers you need. This is Brand New and the best thing is that anyone can register for free and ask questions for free. Did I mention FREE! There is no limit to the amount of questions you can ask and if you are on the mechanic side of things or just want to share you own fix, you can leave comments as well. So Check out Ask Free Auto Mechanic Experts - (beta) , Register and be set up as an author with all the benefits. Ask questions, get answers and help build the largest auto repair database on the net.
Questions and Answers
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
1992 Mercury Cougar is running rough and has a bad miss
we have a bad miss. new plugs, cap, rotor and tested plug wires seems to be all the same
Well the first thing we need to do is determine what cylinder is causing the issue. With the engine running, ( EXTREME CAUTION : You will get shocked if you do not use protective gloves 15,000 volts ) remove one plug wire at a time and see which one you remove and the engine sound doesn't change. You have now narrowed the issue to one cylinder. check compression with a compression tester. Check for spark, check plug wires to make sure it isn't sparking through the boot. check for injector pulse. repair as needed. If no one individual cylinder shows a difference , perform a compression test on all cylinders all should be with in 20 psi of each other. If it fails , you have a blown head gasket. If they all pass the test then you may have a clogged EGR Valve or Clogged catalytic convertor. Test each part and replace as needed. Feel free to check out some of the other resources on the website as there may be some helpful information available.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
We all want Cheaper Car Insurance - So How do we Get it?
Anyone who drives a car in the US would be thrilled to pay less for their car insurance but few of us take the time to go out and find it. Why ? Most of us don't know where to start looking or who to ask. Well wait no longer. All you need to do is Enter your Zip Code in the place provided to the right of this post or GO HERE and enter your zip code. Press "Get Quotes" Tab and you will be given several companies to choose from. Just click on anyone of them to see there prices and compare. This will indeed give you the tools to start saving money with cheaper car insurance payments.
It is that simple and it could end up saving you money on your car insurance. In fact, it doesn’t even matter where you live, we can give you free quotes for all the 50 states. Just enter your zip code to get started, in about 15 minutes you could be buying your policy and printing your insurance cards. make your Car Insurance Affordable Today !
It is that simple and it could end up saving you money on your car insurance. In fact, it doesn’t even matter where you live, we can give you free quotes for all the 50 states. Just enter your zip code to get started, in about 15 minutes you could be buying your policy and printing your insurance cards. make your Car Insurance Affordable Today !
Thursday, September 3, 2009
2005 Nissan Altima Crankshaft Sensor Learn Procedure
CKP System Variation Learn Procedure
The scan tool monitors certain component signals to determine if all conditions are met to continue with the procedure. The scan tool only displays the condition that inhibits the procedure while monitoring the following components:
CKP sensors activity-If there is a CKP sensor condition, refer to the applicable DTC that was set
Camshaft position (CMP) sensor activity-If there is a CMP sensor condition, refer to the applicable DTC that was set
Engine coolant temperature (ECT)-If the ECT is not warm enough, idle the engine until the ECT reaches normal operating temperature
NOTE: For additional diagnostic information, refer to DTC P1336.
Install a scan tool
Monitor the powertrain control module for diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). If other DTCs are set, except DTC P1336, refer to the Diagnostic Trouble Code List for the applicable DTC that was set
Select the crankshaft position (CKP) variation learn procedure
Observe the fuel cut-off
The scan tool instructs you to perform the following:
Block the drive wheels
Apply the vehicles parking brake
Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON
Maintain pressure on the brake pedal
Start and idle the engine
Place the vehicles transmission in Park (A/T) or Neutral (M/T).
With the scan tool, enable the CKP system variation learn procedure.
Slowly increase the engine speed to the RPM that you observed.
NOTE: While the learn procedure is in progress, release the throttle immediately when the engine starts to decelerate. The engine control is returned to the operator and the engine responds to throttle position after the learn procedure is complete.
Immediately release the throttle when fuel cut-off is reached
The scan tool should display the Learn Status: "Learned this ignition"
If the scan tool does not display this message and no additional DTCs set, refer to Symptoms - Engine
If a DTC set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List for the applicable DTC that set
Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds after the learn procedure is completed successfully
The scan tool monitors certain component signals to determine if all conditions are met to continue with the procedure. The scan tool only displays the condition that inhibits the procedure while monitoring the following components:
CKP sensors activity-If there is a CKP sensor condition, refer to the applicable DTC that was set
Camshaft position (CMP) sensor activity-If there is a CMP sensor condition, refer to the applicable DTC that was set
Engine coolant temperature (ECT)-If the ECT is not warm enough, idle the engine until the ECT reaches normal operating temperature
NOTE: For additional diagnostic information, refer to DTC P1336.
Install a scan tool
Monitor the powertrain control module for diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). If other DTCs are set, except DTC P1336, refer to the Diagnostic Trouble Code List for the applicable DTC that was set
Select the crankshaft position (CKP) variation learn procedure
Observe the fuel cut-off
The scan tool instructs you to perform the following:
Block the drive wheels
Apply the vehicles parking brake
Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON
Maintain pressure on the brake pedal
Start and idle the engine
Place the vehicles transmission in Park (A/T) or Neutral (M/T).
With the scan tool, enable the CKP system variation learn procedure.
Slowly increase the engine speed to the RPM that you observed.
NOTE: While the learn procedure is in progress, release the throttle immediately when the engine starts to decelerate. The engine control is returned to the operator and the engine responds to throttle position after the learn procedure is complete.
Immediately release the throttle when fuel cut-off is reached
The scan tool should display the Learn Status: "Learned this ignition"
If the scan tool does not display this message and no additional DTCs set, refer to Symptoms - Engine
If a DTC set, refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) List for the applicable DTC that set
Turn OFF the ignition for 30 seconds after the learn procedure is completed successfully
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
codes from scanner indicate the emissions system (440,441,443) Does that mean I should replace the purge valve/ soleniod
I have a 2003 Toyota Echo, codes from scanner indicate the emissions system (440,441,443) Does that mean I should replace the purge valve/ soleniod? Is that hard to get to?
P0 443 : Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Malfunction ..... this indicates a malfunction in the curcuit. It may be a faulty part, you may have gotten some bad gas, without testing the part there is no way to know that it needs replaced. You may have a vacuum leak. This is an emissions only related issue and in no way will it affect the drive-ability of the vehicle. It is an EPA mandated part of the vehicle. That being said, I would suggest having the light turned off or cleared( has to be done with a scan tool and will not go out on its own, even if you fix the problem) drive it around, buy some good gas instead of the cheap stuff and see if the light comes back on. If it does and it annoys you enough , take it to your local dealer and have them repair it. The test equipment is expensive and most small shops do not have it. You can try changing parts if you want , but this is usually not a good practice to replace parts if they have not been tested as a bad part. It can also get quite costly . And yes it is difficult to get to.
P0 443 : Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Malfunction ..... this indicates a malfunction in the curcuit. It may be a faulty part, you may have gotten some bad gas, without testing the part there is no way to know that it needs replaced. You may have a vacuum leak. This is an emissions only related issue and in no way will it affect the drive-ability of the vehicle. It is an EPA mandated part of the vehicle. That being said, I would suggest having the light turned off or cleared( has to be done with a scan tool and will not go out on its own, even if you fix the problem) drive it around, buy some good gas instead of the cheap stuff and see if the light comes back on. If it does and it annoys you enough , take it to your local dealer and have them repair it. The test equipment is expensive and most small shops do not have it. You can try changing parts if you want , but this is usually not a good practice to replace parts if they have not been tested as a bad part. It can also get quite costly . And yes it is difficult to get to.
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