Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Windshield fogging inside on a 1996 Dodge Caravan
This depends on IF the van has an operational Air Conditioning System. This "Fog" is caused from Air Density changes. When you first start it up and turn on the Defroster(hence the name) it also turns on the A/C Compressor. Pop the hood and watch the compressor clutch. Especially these past few days. But this SHOULD evaporate within a couple minutes unlike Anti-Freeze.
Questions and Answers
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
1996 Jeep Cherokee won't start
Ignition switch
Neutral / park switch if the unit has automatic trans.
Clutch depressed switch if manual transmission.
simple test. Run a wire from the positive battery post to the alternator output *that red wire on the back of the alternator). Try starting the Jeep. If it starts you've blown a fuse link. If not you've got other problems. With the Key on in the Run position does ANYTHING work?? Radio, Gauges???
Just because an item has been Replaced does not ensure that it is NOT Defective. No Power to any electrical with the Key on is a Prime example of a Wiring problem. Usually a Fusible Link on the Starter. Fusible Links look like a wire and may look fine to the eye however, like a fuse be burnt under the protective coat. This is why I asked if you have power with the key on to your accesories. If NO power simply run a wire to the Alt from the Pos on the battery and leave the key and radio on. If the radio starts as soon as the battery is connected then you have a Blown Fuse Link. Skipping steps lead you astray.
If you have power to the accesories then is it an Automatic Trans or Stick? If it's a stick check tyhe clutch Depression Switch on the top of the Clutch Pedal. Hint it's that plastic thing that has 2 wires and moves with the Clutch Pedal. If it Automatic, wiggle the shifter in Neutral while holding the key on the start position. This checks the Neutral Safty Switch.
No Start,
Questions and Answers
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
1991 corsica throttle position sensor
Could be. Any Codes? It could also be any number of other things or a combonation of things including a plugged Cat Converter. Without Codes your guessing. Heres how to get the codes: http://www.freeautomechanic.com/diagnostictroblecodes5.html
Engine Trouble Codes,
Questions and Answers
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Some Ways to Improve Fuel Efficiency
More and more people are now in search for fuel efficient cars. While in the past, car enthusiasts pride on how fast their cars can go and how huge their engines are, nowadays, better mileage and fuel efficiency has become everyone’s priority. Saving fuel is a difficult feat. But since transport is a necessity, how can you save fuel while still enjoying the car? What things can you do to be able to make sure that your car burn fuel very efficiently?
* Its good policy to know how fuel efficient your car is so keep tabs on how much fuel you put in your car each time you fill up at the pump and compare that to the mileage you are getting. This way, if there is a drop in previous fuel efficiency you can then consult your mechanic and tackle the issue early on.
You can also consider putting additives into your gas tank. There are several brands of additives now available in the market and some of them claim to successfully increase a car’s fuel efficiency up to ten and twenty percent. These additives are non toxic and non-fossil based and will give your car a longer driving potential, since it will make your car more fuel efficient.
* Check the Read Entire Article
Fuel Saving Tips
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
1992 Chevy G20 Van won't restart after it gets to operating temperature
See Response >
No Start,
Questions and Answers
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I have a noise in the front end of my '03 Dodge Caravan
Check your Struts. That is ...... Read Entire Article
Questions and Answers
Friday, November 6, 2009
El nuevo Citroën C3

Hace unos días, para el lanzamiento del nuevo C3, la marca francesa hizo un evento en la mismísima Torre Eiffel. Un espectáculo luminoso que con la excusa del nuevo lanzamiento cambió la torre durante un rato. 120 años de torre Eiffel, que no son desdeñables, pero Citroën va por lo 90, lo que tampoco es fácil. Se retransmitió en directo a través de la web y además de forma exclusiva.
Pero vayamos a lo que nos interesa, el nuevo C3, con su parabrisas Zenith, es una belleza. La visión aumenta hasta los 80º en vertical. ¿Por qué la torre Eiffel? Porque ambos son franceses y porque este modelo de Citroën en un vehículo urbano. Os invito a echarle un ojo a este par de vídeos y disfrutar del evento.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How do i get to the spark plugs on my 1996 Buick Century 3.1 Engine
The easy way is to start the car and SLOWLY move. Have a second person use a heavy duty muffler clamp u bolt through where the dog bone connects. Then shut off the engine the backside is raised so you can axcess the 3 spark plugs.
There is a special tool you can borrow for free from autozone that connect where the dog bone is and you put car in neutral ans just tighten up the center bolt pulling the engine forward in a safe manner.
Automotive Tools,
Questions and Answers
Monday, November 2, 2009
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