the a/c blower on my 2005 Lincoln town car at times seems like it can't tell how hard it should be blowing. ( sounds like it is out of a bellows. ) a dealer replaced the blower motor and blender door motor. problem still exists. please help. my warranty expires in 3-4 weeks. Already Tried: one dealer said they replaced the blender door motor as well as main blower motor. there were issues with direction of air flow as well as noisy blender door. these two things seem OK now but at times, especially when starting the car in a situation where the auto a/c should come on, it does come on but the blower huffs and puffs like it sounds and feels like it is out of breath.please respond
I have only one suggestion. Check the cabin air filter. If it is clogged there will not be sufficient air flow for the blower. Check that and if that's it you can hit accept, otherwise I don't have anything else for you.