theft system has locked my car down can't start it. took battery cables of for a few minutes, but did not help. 97 Cadillac Deville. let sit four hours, took positive cable off battery for a while, now my battery is dead used another car and booster cables for battery no luck
There is a problem with the "passkey ll " system. The best way to diagnose that would be the "interrogator" tool. Most lock smiths will have that. There are 13 different resistance values in the diodes, (in the key) and most times it is a problem with the ignition switch sending the correct information to the decoder module.
The best thing to do would be to get a lock smith to come and check it. They will normally charge about $65, which is less than the dealer, minus the tow charge. They will pinpoint what part is needed.
The best thing to do would be to get a lock smith to come and check it. They will normally charge about $65, which is less than the dealer, minus the tow charge. They will pinpoint what part is needed.