Friday, January 23, 2009
2004 G35 inspected yesterday. A code P 21.35 came up on the computer
I had a 2004 G35 inspected yesterday. A code P 21.35 came up on the computer check. when I left the garage the car wouldn't respond when I pressed the gas pedal. I shut the engine off and restarted the car and the car accelerated again. This is a used car I am interested in purchasing.Is this a costly problem to repair. Also when the car was on the lift the rubber was corroded on the torque arm mounts and needs replacing. What cost is that repair. I took the car for a test drive it worked fine. I took a second test drive this week to the mechanic. He found code p21.35 was off. When I tried to leave the mechanic the car would only go 5 miles per hour. The mechanic shut off the engine and restarted the engine and the car would now accelerate but the engine light now says it needs service.
Code p2135 is simply the throttle position sensor, call around to your local parts stores and get some quotes on the part. You should be able to install it yourself in a few minutes.