1996 Hyundai elantra 1.8L 5 speed just suddenly started running very poorly and now will not start. The power dropped off to almost nothing. It tries to start but just pops a little like it’s trying. I changed the fuel filter and it gets fuel while cranking. I checked each plug wire and they all have spark. The plugs are almost new. I also checked the timing marks and everything looks right. I have a cheap code reader and get the following codes; 136, 300, 301, 302, 304, and 441. Any ideas what’s causing the misfire and O2 codes?
When was the last time the engine was tuned up? No, not just plugs, but a full tune up! The whole nine yards! READ Entire Article
When was the last time the engine was tuned up? No, not just plugs, but a full tune up! The whole nine yards! READ Entire Article