OK here we go........2000 Pontiac sunfire gt 2.4 litre engine 180 000 Km Rough idle started suddenly one morning......things ive tried and tested.....changed spark plugs twice replace throttle body gasket replaced intake manifold gasket tried new coils checked engine compression all between 216-222 psi checked engine vacuum not steady but between 14-15" mercury added two cans combustion chamber cleaner no check engine soon light!!!my GM mechanic had it for three hours could not find anything added one can injector cleaner thing i havent checked evap egr catalityc converter fuel pressure engine idles rough only, when it gets above 1500 rpm it disappears but it takes longer than usual to come back to idle speed , all this happens hot or cold....... Hope you can help or suggest............Rick
Your problem you say is below 1500 rpm and that the vehicle runs fine above 1500 rpm. I would say you need to replace the I A C valve (idle air control). The I A C only functions at or below 1500 rpm. This is a common issue with GM engines. If you have replaced the intake manifold gasket , this should be fairly simple for you. Also when you remove the old I A C clean any excessive carbon that may be present.
Let me know of your progress.