rack and pinion assembly, Rack Mount Bushings, Left & Right outer tie rod, and Left & Right upper control arm bushings. I need an estimate please.
I would definitely like to know how long each should take and if any of the time gets cut out because of another part of the repair. Just wanting to know if I'm getting hosed. (we are in the military and are over seas and we are told to be careful of the locals over charging us Thanks!)
rack and pinion assembly, Rack Mount Bushings, Left & Right outer tie rod, and Left & Right upper control arm bushings
I would definitely like to know how long each should take and if any of the time gets cut out because of another part of the repair.
The cost of replacing the Steering Rack is aout $1200.00 including both outer tie rod ends. Tie rod ends by them selves would be about $250- $300. The control arm bushings run about $145.00 per side so about $290 for both. So the entire service would run about $1490.00 Plus (shop add ons) plus tax. Some shops do not have ad ons, but most do... like shop supplies, etc. Be sure to ask up front so you are not supprised.
Thanks! Actually, come to find out they were trying to screw us. Went to another shop and it was only the tie rod bushing (i think that's what he called it). It was a thick gasket looking thing in the center of the tie rods and it was just starting to get a little worn so there was very slight play. Cost us $132 for the repair, part, and an alignment. Thanks for the info anyways, but I'm Glad I didn't need it!