Well i have tried everything so i thought i would get on here for some ideas so her goes i have a 2003 dodge grand caravan with flex fuel the problem started when the van hit 300,000 miles it stopped running the gas light had come on a couple minuetes prior to it stop running so i went and got 5 gallons of gas and put in it this did not make a difference either so i pushed it home from there i have changed the fuel filter the van will run when it is cold for about 3 minuetes then it stops and makes a clicking noise from the fuse box and will not start when it is making the noise so i changed the fuel pump no difference then i changed the map sensor no difference then i changed the coolent sensor no difference then i put new plugs and H2o sensor in it then i checked the codes again and it said the TP sensor was malfunctioning so i changed that and it ran for exactly 15 minuetes and stopped running again and the clicking noise started back up so my last option is the computer brain unless someone else has an idea i can try??
1) Have you tried the crank sensor? Sometimes when those heat up they make the engine cutoff
2) That would have been my first guess did you check the fuel pressure before you changed the pump??
3) Check for a plugged converter.