Dell has launched seven new latitude E series business laptops and a tablet called XT3. These business laptops gives a very excellent battery backups(for a full day) apart from the harware and software features.
It includes Dell Latitude E5420, E5520, E6220, E6320, E6420, E6520, E6420ATG laptops and XT3 tablet PC.

All the laptop runs on Sandy Bridge Second generation i-series processors, They have a back-lit keyboard. They have more than 100 design improvements. It has integrated support for WLAN and 3G. Lot of inbuilt security features are there.
Detailed features of each will be published soon. All thes come with a price tag from 64K-110K.
Tags:DELL Latitude E-series laptops,DELL Latitude E-series laptops review,DELL Latitude E-series laptops details,DELL Latitude E-series laptops features,DELL Latitude E-series laptops price.