Dell updated its XPS laptops with second generation i-series sandy bridge processors. Lets take a look at the i5 processor laptop. It runs on Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64-Bit OS. It is powered with i5 2410M Processor (2.3GHz/3MB cache) with 6GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM. It comes with 500GB of storage.
The Dell XPS 15z has 15.6" (39.6cm) HD (1366x768) WLED display with TrueLife™. For Graphic acceleration it has 1GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 525M graphics with Optimus, has a 8x DVD drive with doule layer write capability. The Wirless options includes centrino wireless-N1030, has bluetooth v3.0 +HS. It comes with two USB ports, a FireWire port and an HDMI output and slots for card reader.
These laptops has a base price tag of 1000$ and is currently available in u.s, Indian's can buy it online from their dell-india site
Tags:Dell XPS 15z, Dell XPS 15z features, Dell XPS 15z review, Dell XPS 15z specifications, Dell XPS 15z price, Dell XPS 15z availability,Dell XPS 15z specifications.