Monday, August 15, 2011

Hot News: Bugatti Galibier Gets Green Light

A four-door Veyron is back on the agenda at Bugatti, as the marque reveals plans to fine-tune the all-new supercar’s vital statistics.

Unveiled as a concept in 2009, the 16C Galibier had a detuned version of the Veyron’s engine, with 900bhp and increased torque. Since then, it’s made an appearance at last year’s Geneva Motor Show, featuring a new paintjob – but not a lot else.

Now, Bugatti and Bentley boss Wolfgang Dürheimer has confirmed the company is “committed to a four-door Bugatti”, and promised to deliver even more muscle from the W16 unit. Dürheimer told Auto Express: “The Galibier didn’t have four-digit power. It has to be above 1,000bhp. We shouldn’t limit ourselves.”

He added that 1,500 models could be produced, from as soon as late 2012. This would coincide with the end of production of the Veyron; a car which has never made money, despite its £1million-plus price. Yet Dürheimer claims Bugatti can justify the Galibier’s development cost, as it will test-bed new technologies of benefit to other VW Group brands. “Bugatti needs to add as much value to the company as it costs,” he said.

That’s particularly important in booming markets such as China, where buyers expect the latest in-car gadgets. Legroom will also increase in the production Galibier; Dürheimer admitted it was too cramped in the concept. This would also benefit buyers in China; many chauffeur-driven customers in that country experience the car only from the back seat. Dürheimer confirmed the price would be “beyond the Veyron”. For more details click here.

Thanks to: Auto Express