Nine month after the official launch of iPad, Apple recently announced its launch date in Indian market.According to The Telegraph reported Apple iPad hits Indian markets on 28th January and is available via Apple's premium retailers.
Apple iPad India Price Details:
- Apple iPad Wi-Fi version priced Rs. 26,000 - Rs. 33,000
- Apple iPad 3G+Wi-Fi version priced Rs.33,000 - Rs. 44,000
Both the versions comes in capacities of 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.
Its a great disappoint that Apple takes all this time to launch iPad in Indian market.The news also reveals that the 2nd generation ipad ie ipad 2 is just three months away from the official launch the question is will Apple made us Indians to wait another nine month for that...wait and watch..
Tags:-Apple iPad India price tag, Apple iPad India launch date, Apple iPad India official launch, Apple iPad India official release, Apple iPad India launch details, Apple iPad India price details, Apple iPad India version prices, Apple iPad India specs.