Monday, February 8, 2010

Stereo Swap - need advice

I am trying to swap the stock AM/FM cassette deck in my wife's 2000 ford windstar van. How do you take the plastic shroud that surrounds the radio and heater out without breaking it? to expose the screws to remove the radio?


The shroud just snaps in and out. Use a plastic pry tool and pop it loose to expose the stereo mounting screws. Here is the wiring in case you need it for the swap.

2000 Ford Windstar Stereo Wiring

Constant 12V+ Green/Purple

Switched 12V+ Yellow/Black

Ground Black/Light Green

Illumination Green

Dimmer n/a

Front Speakers 6" x 8" Doors

Left Front (+) Orange/Light Green

Left Front (-) Light Blue/White

Right Front (+) White/Light Green

Right Front (-) Dark Green/Orange

Rear Speakers 6" x 8" Side Panels

Left Rear (+) Light Brown/White

Left Rear (-) Light Brown/Yellow

Right Rear (+) Light Brown/Green

Right Rear (-) Brown/Pink